The Best Tasting
Canned Albacore
You'll Ever Eat!

Caught one-at-a-time by hook-and-line

This video shows Harvey fishing for albacore with hook-and-line on the EZ-1. While hook-and-line fishing is good for the oceans, good for other marine species and good for you, as you’ll see, it doesn’t work out so well for the individual fish.

Varieties of Canned Albacore

Troll-caught albacore tuna, caught one-at-a-time by hook-and-line, is a nutritious choice for you and your family, a sustainable choice for albacore fisheries and U.S. troll-fishers, an eco-friendly choice for our oceans — and it tastes incredible.

Whether you choose to buy our canned albacore tuna or one of the brands offered by our fellow troll-fishermen, be sure to look for albacore tuna that is caught one-at-a-time by hook and  line and processed and packed in the U.S.

The Crew

We are a tiny company, comprised of Harvey (the captain), Judy (the navigator), and Stephanie (the daughter).
Dad’s been fishing since 1969. Mom joined him in the 70s as she was tired of raising two kids with Dad gone most of the year.
My brother and I were too young to stay home alone, so Mom brought us along. It was not a big boat. Eric and I slept under the galley table (our parents got the bunks), and we had to whisk-broom the carpet free of fish scales before bed each night.

turtle Safe

Dolphin Safe


Lower Mercury

Protect Our Wild Seas

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