From the Daily Astorian, Friday, May 22, 1896

(I copied this from HLusher9415 first posted it there.)

"About 8:30 p.m. Thursday, while Rueben Searcy and his son-in-law Phil Jewell were drifting at Wallace Island, they were approached by a boat containing several men. Searcy at once ordered the men away from his boat and net. The approaching party immediately commenced firing at Searcy and Jewell, one ball entering Searcy's forehead and several striking him in the arm, breaking that limb. He was instantly killed. Jewell received a wound in the back of his head. None of the party who did the shooting was recognized on account of the darkness. Searcy and Jewell were fishing for Hapgood & Co. of Waterford."

Another article says Reuben was shot in the chest and cried out, "They've killed me, Phil!"
Details of this tragedy are not consistent among different reports of it.

Reuben's daughter ... Phil's wife, Cleora ... (Harvey's great grandmother) traumatized of course, gave birth to Harvey's great uncle Harold the next morning. Harvey's grandmother-to-be, Daisy, had just turned one-year old the month before.

For people bitten by the Genealogy Bug like I am (Judy), this is neat. You can click on Article and be taken to photocopy of the story in the top center of the page.